Oracle Probe Gives Error: "unauthorized query change, checkpoint deactivated"
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Oracle Probe Gives Error: "unauthorized query change, checkpoint deactivated"


Article ID: 253992


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


I am receiving errors similar to the following in the oracle probe log:
Profile <profile_name>, checkpoint <custom_checkpoint_name>, unauthorized query change, checkpoint deactivated


Oracle probe (any version)


This log message comes up when the custom query is directly edited in the custom_query text file. This is by design for security reasons. Whenever you create/edit then test & save a query in the Probe GUI, it creates a checksum (i.e. a hash) of that query.  Then, every time the probe runs this checkpoint query, the probe first verifies that the query in the file matches the checksum that is saved in the config file. This ensures that no one has modified the query that shouldn't have access to do so. 


You have 3 options to fix this issue: 

  1. Open the custom query text file and change it back to exactly how it was when the checksum was generated.
  2. Delete this custom checkpoint and create it again.
  3. Using the Probe GUI, edit this checkpoint and save a new checksum:
    1. Select the Query tab.
    2. Click Edit/New.
    3. Enter your db credentials and test the connection (this enables editing of the query).
    4. Make a modification to the query (any change will do, even adding a space to the end of a line).
    5. Click the Test button to test the new query.
    6. Click OK to save this custom checkpoint and create a new checksum in the config file
    7. Click Apply in the probe to save the config and restart the probe

 After performing any one of these 3 options, the issue should be resolved.