How To Create An Impersonation Rule For A Specific Site In Web Isolation
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How To Create An Impersonation Rule For A Specific Site In Web Isolation


Article ID: 253968


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Web Isolation Web Isolation Cloud


Impersonating a specific Chrome user agent version will sometimes resolve a web isolation rendering issue.  Typically, this is a global setting that will affect all websites.  However, below are steps on how to achieve this for a specific website.


Web Isolation On-Prem

Web Isolation Cloud


Some websites prefer certain Chrome user agent versions or newer and hence, may not render correctly through web isolation.


1. Create a copy of 'Primary Rule Advanced Settings'

policy entities > rule advanced settings



2. Specify and enable impersonation on the new primary rule advanced settings

policy entities > rule advanced settings > update > internal setting > edit


Enable 'http.request.custom_impersonate_user_agent.client_os.enable' 

Enter in a valid Chrome user agent version




3. Create a rule in policy for the specific website

policies > my policy > new rule

specify the URL destination and point to the new 'Primary Rule Advanced Settings'



Arrange the new rule to be above the 'default rule'

Push settings

The website will match this rule first and use the configured Chrome user agent version