E190098 (web services validation) Error when validating AutoSys server in WCC
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E190098 (web services validation) Error when validating AutoSys server in WCC


Article ID: 253924


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Autosys Workload Automation


When attempting to validate an AutoSys server in the WCC configuration tab, the following error is encountered...

Error: E190098 R12 (web services validation) - A connection exception was encountered: 
https://app_server_host:9443/AEWS returned status 403.




AutoSys Web UI Component

Release : 11.4/12.0/12.0SP1/12.1

O/S: Any


WCC connects to the AutoSys RESTful Web Server using the monitor ID specified in the AutoSys server definition. This ID must be a member of the WorkloadAutomationAEWebService application group in EEM to have access to the web server. If it doen't, the connection is rejected with a 403 error code.


View the AutoSys server definition in the WCC Configuration tab and note the user specified as the Monitor ID...

Login to EEM as EiamAdmin selecting "WorkloadAutomationAE" in the application drop-down.

Click the "Manage Identities" tab and then search for the Monitor ID. Click on the ID in the search results to bring up the details on the right.

Click the "Add Application User Details" button...

Click the "Search" button to bring up a list of the available application groups. Select "WorkloadAutomationAEWebService" in the list and then click the arrow pointing to the right to add the user to the group...

Click "Save" at the top-right.

Go back to WCC and retry the server validation.