The 'Capacity vs Demand by Resource' report generates incorrect data when specifying filter criteria for Resource Role = 'Architect'. A resource with a Primary Role of Developer is staffed to an investment with the role of Architect. We expected the report to pull resources where the Primary Role matches the 'Resource Role' criteria.
1. Create a Resource and Assign him the Role "Developer".
2. Add this resource to a Project. Under Project Role assign him the role as "Architect".
3. Assign the same resource to a Task on the project and add the allocations.
4. Run the Load Datawarehouse Job.
5. Run the Load Datawarehouse Access Rights Job.
6. Navigate to Home - > Advanced Reporting -> Reports -> Capacity vs Demand by Resource report.
7. In the filters click on "Populate Resource Role" and select the role as "Architect".
Expected Results: Resource which is assigned the role developer is not shown in the report.
Actual Results: Resource is shown with the role as Developer in the Report causing confusion.
Release : Any
The engineering team confirmed that this is working as expected.