Cannot upgrade the server OS for GSS from 2012R2 to Server 2019
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Cannot upgrade the server OS for GSS from 2012R2 to Server 2019


Article ID: 253814


Updated On:


Ghost Solution Suite


Attempting to upgrade the Server OS to Windows Server 2019 that Ghost Solution Suite (GSS) is running on and it is complaining about drivers in the DriverDB directory.  Currently running the latest version of GSS (3.3 RU10) and are attempting to perform an in-place upgrade to go from Server 2012R2 to Server 2019. When running the upgrade process we get an error that says to uninstall the following program:

Altiris PXE Server (Uninstall this app now because it isn't compatible with Windows Server 2019)


Release : 3.3


Windows Server 2019 complaining about drivers in the DriversDB directory when perform OS Upgrade


Sequester the DriverDB directory then the upgrade should proceed without issues