How to find default internal to external field name definitions for the ACF2 LID record
What ACF2 field sets bit LIDT4ACC of LIDTFLG4?
Release : 16.0
All internal to external LID field mappings are provided by default ACF2 @CFDE macro definitions in member ACFCFDE in the CAX1MAC0 library.
For the example above, bit field LIDT4ACC of LIDTFLG4 corresponds to the VLD-ACCT bit of the ACF2 LID.
From Logonid Record Fields:
Indicates that ACF2 validates the TSO account number of a user. You must create a resource rule with a type code of TAC and a $KEY of the account number so that ACF2 performs this validation. (Bit field)
Logonid Record Section: TSO