When performing an offline reorg of a single partition of HALDB, the following is a possibility:
1. Stop DBs.
2. Create a batch image copy of 'M/N' datasets of one HALDB partition, for example with the current reorg number at 10.
3. Offline reorg 'M/N' to 'A/B' datasets. After reorg, the new reorg number will be 11.
4. Start DBs.
In the event the offline reorg encounters a problem, what are the sequence of procedures that should be followed?
Since HPR is already being used, the proper way would be to do point in time recovery - use RECOVERTIME of the M batch IC creation and the recovery process
will switch to the proper active datasets automatically. Do not perform CHANGE.DB OLRDBDS yourself.
1. Delete/define the M database dataset via IDCAMS.
2. Run PIT recovery:
Do not specify any HPRCA or HPRIC DDs, the proper information is going to be taken from RECON.
ILDS needs to be rebuild after this kind of recovery, by specifying AUTOINDEXCREATE=Y and it will be done automatically during recovery process.
3. Create new batch IC.
Reorg number will remain 11, it cannot be regressed. This will be both in RECON and database dataset header.