Folder temp (U_TMP_PATH) of Dollar Universe cleanup - what files can be deleted
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Folder temp (U_TMP_PATH) of Dollar Universe cleanup - what files can be deleted


Article ID: 253777


Updated On:


CA Automic Dollar Universe


It has recently been noticed that there are almost 6GB of files on the folder temp of Dollar Universe, see below, is it possible to delete such files?


Release : 6.x and 7.x

Component: Dollar Universe Application Server (DUAS Node)


In case Job Submission fails, some temporary files are created in temp folder and remain there and will never be automatically deleted.

Additionally, some other files like uxtrace output are generated on this folder and will never be deleted, they have to be removed manually or during an automated regular cleanup process.


You can safely delete all files from folder temp of Dollar Universe not being currently used.

To be completely sure, we recommend as procedure the following:

  1. Stop launcher and wait until all jobs have completed on the node
  2. Stop the node
  3. Delete all files within the temp folder
  4. Start the node