Having a few questions regarding the PTFs LU07249 and LU07250 and the Hold Actions associated with them.
1. Should the hold actions be carried out in the order given?
Deploy and Initialize CCS SAF Service, followed by the ESMDPLOY and ESMMOUNT jobs?
2. Need a few clarifications regarding the second Hold Action.
Applying PTFs in the SMP/E environment, the changes are made to version specific software datasets and service ZFS Files.
During deployment, the target libraries are copied to version independent libraries and the service ZFS files are copied to permanent-mounted ZFS files.
Understanding from the Hold Action steps involving ESM is that the misc folder is copied to a new deploy file and the new lib folder is set to 'program-controlled'.
Since the target ZFS files tare already copied to permanent files during our deployment, is a new deploy of the zFS file required?
COMMON SERVICES 15.0 - z/OS supported releases -
The hold steps do not technically have to be completed in a specific order.
However, if the CCS SAF Service is not installed on the system, some functionality within the ESM MS will not be available.
Regarding point 2, if all the files have been copied over with the correct permissions, then yes, the only required step would be to program control the libbcm-apisdk-security.so file.
This would need to be done each time the file is replaced, as it will lose the file attribute.