How to apply Filter in Schemus Application to fetch the user/group/mailbox from the source.
Schemus App Product Version : 1.52.04
Scenario 1: To skip the domain using the Regex.
Go to Configuration > Modify
Go to filter
In the drop-down menu, you can select the Regular expressions.
In the pattern box you can type as follows :
If you do so then the email addresses will be skipped for the addition as well the deletion of the respected domain.
Scenario 2: To skip the domain using the Wildcard.
Go to Configuration > Modify
Go to filter
In the drop-down menu, you can select the Wild cards.
In the pattern box you can type as follows :
If you do so then the action would be similar like it will skip all the addresses of the respected domain for the addition as well the deletion too.
Scenario 3: To skip the addresses using the Literal text.
Go to Configuration > Modify
Go to Filter
In the drop-down menu, you can select Literal text.
In such case, you may need to create the txt file in which you can only add addresses like
Save the file and then in the filer by clicking on the filter icon you can browse this file.
So these addresses will be skipped for addition and deletion.
This option will help you in such cases when there are some addresses showing in the deletion tab when you run the test update and you do not want to delete it.
Note: When you change any modification in the configuration, make sure before running the test update. Please click on the refresh button first and then run the test update.