Submitting jobs from RACF to ACF2 using job scheduler fails with ACF01007 password is required
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Submitting jobs from RACF to ACF2 using job scheduler fails with ACF01007 password is required


Article ID: 253710


Updated On: 10-12-2023




An ACF01007 Password is Required message is seen in ACF2 when trying to submit a job from RACF to ACF2 without a password. Why is this occurring?



Release : 16.0


When going from RACF to ACF2, the ACVRFLG(ACVALD) is not being set, meaning that no ACF2 network job header section exists. Inheritance from RACF (or TSS) to ACF2 will only allow for the submitter of the job to be inherited. In ACF2 to ACF2, the inheritance with just USER= is allowed.

Changes to RACF are required in order to supply an NJE Header for ACF2. This can be accomplished using a RACF exit. The exit would need to set tcbsenv to the required userid in the ACEE. Then the job can be submitted without a USER=

Example when specifying a USER= on the jobcard:

//JOB123  JOB      CLASS=N,MSGCLASS=A,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),               
//            USER=testuser   

The result of this is that a USER= and PASSWORD= is required - ACF01007.

In order to get around this situation on the RACF side, before the job is submitted from the job scheduler, if the acee in the task can be set as testuser then the logonid will be inherited in the ACF2 side.