Timesheet widgets are not working if we have filter on 'Resource OBS'
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Timesheet widgets are not working if we have filter on 'Resource OBS'


Article ID: 253708


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Placing a Widget on the Timesheets Grid page and the 'Filter Widgets' toggle is ON, causes a toast message to appear indicating some attributes are not available.  Because of this no result is returned in the widget. 

Steps to Reproduce: 

  1. On the Timesheets Grid page, create a Filter that includes criteria for the 'Resource OBS' field 
  2. Expand the Widgets section, by default the 'Filter Widgets' toggle is ON; keep it on 
  3. Click Manage Widgets to create a new Widget 
  4. Create a simple Number Tile to count the number of records and Add it to the page 

Expected Results: Widgets should load when the configuration uses 'Filter Widgets' toggle. 

Actual Results: Toast Message appears 'Some widgets cannot be displayed because some attributes are unavailable.'. No results are returned in the Widgets. 

Workaround: Do not use the 'Resource OBS' in the Filter section or turn off 'Filter Widgets' toggle. 


Release 16.1.0 




Resolved in Release 16.1.1