Read-Only record business rule is NOT being enforced when rule is being triggered via drag-n-drop on a card in None lane.
Steps to Reproduce:
- Create a rule based on Task Subobject for Project Blueprint
- Rule - Disable edit of all the attributes except Name, ID when Name = Task - Disable Edit All But Name, Id
- Create a project and a Task with the Name "Task - Disable Edit All But Name, Id" so as to trigger the rule. Ensure no Task owner for this task
- Go to Global Task Board
- Filter for this project
- Ensure the card is in the None Lane with Status = Not Started
- Drag and drop the card to a new owner
Expected Results: The Blueprint rule should be enforced when trying to update a record.
Actual Results: The Blueprint rule is NOT enforced when using drag-n-drop.
- Observe the task owner gets updated when the Task Owner attribute is locked via the Business Rule
- The Task owner cannot be updated via the details flyout or the move to swimlane context menu option
- It gets updated only when the card is in the none lane and via DnD
Workaround: None.