Read-Only record business rule is not being enforced when rule is being triggered via drag-n-drop on a card in None lane
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Read-Only record business rule is not being enforced when rule is being triggered via drag-n-drop on a card in None lane


Article ID: 253684


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Read-Only record business rule is NOT being enforced when rule is being triggered via drag-n-drop on a card in None lane. 

Steps to Reproduce: 

  1. Create a rule based on Task Subobject for Project Blueprint 
  2. Rule - Disable edit of all the attributes except Name, ID when Name = Task - Disable Edit All But Name, Id 
  3. Create a project and a Task with the Name "Task - Disable Edit All But Name, Id" so as to trigger the rule. Ensure no Task owner for this task
  4. Go to Global Task Board
  5. Filter for this project
  6. Ensure the card is in the None Lane with Status = Not Started
  7. Drag and drop the card to a new owner  

Expected Results: The Blueprint rule should be enforced when trying to update a record.

Actual Results: The Blueprint rule is NOT enforced when using drag-n-drop. 

  1. Observe the task owner gets updated when the Task Owner attribute is locked via the Business Rule 
  2. The Task owner cannot be updated via the details flyout or the move to swimlane context menu option 
  3. It gets updated only when the card is in the none lane and via DnD

Workaround: None. 



Release 16.1.0




Under Engineering Review.