We have two sperate environments of 2 node clusters, currently manual modify and objects two each cluster. The is a difference in the certificates of the ID Provider resulting in failures to one cluster only.
What's the best approach to sync these two environments
Release : 10.0
Manual changes are prone for errors
Best approach is to dump the SSG DB form the good cluster then import into the second cluster
The steps are similar to clone and the KB for re-init replication
NOTE Check with the team regarding cluster passphrase between the two different cluster
First dump the SSG DB from the node in the good cluster
# mysqldump ssg --routines > /home/ssgconfig/01-ssg.sql
Copy the backup-ssg.sql to the problem each node in the cluster
On the problem cluster
STOP SSG services on both gateways
# service ssg stop
Stop slave replication on both nodes:
# mysqladmin stop-replica
Reset the master configuration on both nodes:
# mysql -e "reset master"
# mysql -e "reset slave; reset slave all;"
Backup current SSG DB on problem gateway as a precaution
mysqldump ssg --routines > /home/ssgconfig/03-ssg.sql
Drop the SSG from the BOTH gateway’s and import the SSG DB from the good cluster to both
# mysql
# drop database ssg;
# create database ssg;
# mysql -u root -p ssg < 01-ssg.sql
Clear cluster_info table on BOTH Gateways
# mysql
mysql> use ssg;app*A
mysql> truncate table cluster_info;
SETUP replication Secondary gateway and restart replication on the primary node
Slave_IO_Running: Yes
Slave_SQL_Running: Yes
Seconds_Behind_Master: 0