Customer has found that ProxySG is vulnerable to CVEs:
Release :
All the CVEs are related to SSLV3. SSLV3 is enabled by default in Proxy config and customer needs to decide if it's needed as per Security Best Practices doc.
Add CPL code to ProxySG:
client.connection.negotiated_ssl_version=(SSLV3) force_exception(silent_denied)
server.connection.negotiated_ssl_version=(SSLV3) force_exception(silent_denied)
Disable TLSv1 or SSLv3 on ProxySG appliance -
client.connection.negotiated_cipher.strength=(Export) exception(silent_denied)
server.connection.negotiated_cipher.strength=(Export) exception(silent_denied)
server.connection.negotiated_cipher=(exp-des-cbc-sha,exp-rc4-md5) exception(silent_denied)
ProxySG - How to disable export grade ciphers to prevent FREAK attack -
Moreover, it is advised to follow all Security Best Practices to mitigate any vulnerability related to SSLV3:
Collecting evidence:
PCAP SSLV3 filters to check if there are any SSLV3 handshakes
Wireshark filter: ssl.handshake.ciphersuite
Wireshark filter: ssl.record.version==0x0300
TSHARK filter: tcp[((tcp[12]>>4)*4)+9:2]=0x0300
SSLV3 handshake - 0x0300 - no sign of usage