BG_DWH log shows below error
Pre_execution_config_step_orcl - An error occurred executing this job entry : Couldn't execute SQL: BEGIN DWH_CFG_POP_HISTORY_SP; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'TRUNCATE TABLE DWH_CMN_ERROR_MESSAGE'; DWH_CFG_PRE_CONFIG_SP(P_DBLINK => 'CLARITYPPMPRD.WORLD', P_FULL_RELOAD => 'Y'); DWH_CFG_RECOMPILE_SP; UPDATE DWH_CFG_SETTINGS SET ENABLE_PLAN_ACTUALS = 0.0;END;[CA Clarity][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-20100: ERROR ENABLING CONSTRAINT. SQLERRM : ORA-01950: no privileges on tablespace 'DWH_PPM_DATA_DIM'ORA-06512: at "PPM_DWH.CMN_ENABLE_CONSTRAINTS_SP", line 27ORA-06512: at "PPM_DWH.DWH_CFG_PRE_CONFIG_SP", line 33ORA-06512: at line 4
ORA-01950 indicates that the data warehouse schema user doesn't have permission to extend the size on a particular table space.
This can happen if there is a specific quota set-up on the tablespace for the user.
We can use
alter user ppm_dwh quota unlimited on "tablespace_name";
To grant unlimited quota for the user. In addition to this tablespace's datafile should also be set to auto extend to accommodate the size change.