Clearing drive stats on MD3860f or NetApp storage
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Clearing drive stats on MD3860f or NetApp storage


Article ID: 253463


Updated On:


Security Analytics


On occasion, you may need to clear all the drive channel stats in order to reset all messages on the drive channels.  This can be done through the Execute Script feature in SANtricity.


Full logs can cause strange behavior on the controller such as presenting Drive Channel error messages.


  1. Launch SANtricity.
  2. Right click the storage array and select Execute Script.
  3. Enter the following command in the editor:  clear allDriveChannels stats; 
  4. In the Tools menu, click "Verify and Execute"
  5. Output should look be similar to the following
    Performing syntax check...
    Syntax check complete.
    Executing script...
    Script execution complete.
  6. Close the Script Editor.