Auditing capabilities, first user signon OM Web Viewer 12.1 & View 14
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Auditing capabilities, first user signon OM Web Viewer 12.1 & View 14


Article ID: 253460


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Output Management Web Viewer


Web Viewer is V12.1, View is V14.0

Auditors are requesting information as to the date a user was granted access to View / Web Viewer. I believe that a date when a UserId was given DISTID access that includes specific reports would satisfy the requirement. Is there a report or other method to determine this? Failing this then the date the UserId was created?


Output Management Web Viewer 12.1
Output Management View® for z/OS


Web Viewer can record the first time a user signs on, but there is no indication that the signon was that user's first time signing onto Web Viewer. 

Additional Information

Web Viewer is not designed to provide this specific information. The credentials you provide to access Web Viewer are your mainframe/View user credentials. A "new" user, signing into Web Viewer for the first time is automatically added to the User table in the Web Viewer database. But... that would have nothing to do with when that user was given DISTID access to View - nor with when the UserID was created.

Web Viewer 12.1 does have an Auditing capability, but I it won't provide the date of first user signon. To access/configure it, from the Administration tab, go into Preferences and then Auditing Settings.

User Action

  • Annotation [View only] 
  • File Upload
  • Emailing of documents 
  • Exporting of documents
  • Printing of documents
  • Saving of documents
  • Viewing of documents
  • User logged in time
  • Edit comments in report list [View only] 

If you select "User logged in time" then it should be recorded every time a user signs onto Web Viewer, including the first time. Of course, it can't go back and record who signed on for the first time prior to when Auditing was turned on. 

Auditing records are written to spreadsheets (on Windows, usually to  C:\Program Files\CA\CA_OM_Web_Viewer\logs as something like auditRecord_10_21_2023.csv). There is nothing written there that would indicate that it was the first time that a user signed on.

Administrators can also access the User table in the database (Administration tab and select "User"), but all that gives you is the UserID and their available Roles. Again, no indication of when that user was added.

A user can be added to View and not added to Web Viewer until long after - if ever.