Communication error logging into Web Viewer 14.0 after applying maintenance
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Communication error logging into Web Viewer 14.0 after applying maintenance


Article ID: 253425


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Output Management Web Viewer


Getting message communication error with server when logging in to Webviewer. 

From the Tomcat log in debug mode:

INFO  <ABCD007> <105> CAHVS0116I User <user> login requested
WARN  <ABCD007> <105> SQL Error: 90097, SQLState: 90097
ERROR <ABCD007> <105> The database is read only; SQL statement:  delete from CV_MASTER.VIEW_USER where LST_ACTION<? [90097-199]
WARN  <ABCD007> <105> SQL Error: 90097, SQLState: 90097
ERROR <ABCD007> <105> The database is read only; SQL statement: delete from CV_MASTER.ACTIVE_REPORTS where GUID not in  (select distinct usersessio1_.GUID from CV_MASTER.VIEW_USER usersessio1_ 0097-199]


Release : 14.0

Web Viewer



The user running the started task did not have write access to the database files.


From the config.cfg file:

DBTYPE = "H2";
DBLOCATION = "/usr/lpp/CAOMWeb/MTC_14/CCS/tpv/tomcat/H2FORJES";

which indicates an internal database, so the user running the started task, i.e. user VIEWABC should have write access to files:       (for example)


Changed the MODE to 777 and that resolved the problem temporarily. There was no OWNER listed for the files and Directories.  Fixing that will resolve the problem permanently.