Portal Sync Issue
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Portal Sync Issue


Article ID: 253356


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CA API Developer Portal


We have faced a lot of issues and we are looking for exact fix for these issues listed below: -

  • Portal GUI- Portal compatibility section was showing “update required “ which was the big issue. We tried different approaches. It didn’t worked. We faced this issue after we upgraded the portal to version and we had also upgraded the portal integration bundle.
  • So it was resolved with lengthy process which is  as below:
    • Clean the Portal Integration Bundle
    • Creating new proxy
    • Reenroll the portal
    • As part of the above process, we  faced duplicate API Issue which was resolved by manually removing all Portal fragments and policies.
  • On Demand deployment of Application Portal in WTC for 14000 takes easily 3hrs. This step was working very slow and it took around 3 hours for each datacenter just to complete the sync.


Release : 5.0.2


Attached a portal gateway bundle will be part of

otk-patch-api-key-sync-1.0.0.zip fixes the race-condition experienced during API key deployments due to the use of a shared OTK oracle DB. The bundle updates the 'Portal API Key Storage Sync' policy in OTK and adds an additional JDBC assertion that executes a merge query that attempts to check if the record exists and update if it doesn't and insert if it does. 

Since this query can still fail due to concurrent inserts, it is followed by an additional update query doing the same thing ensuring success. 

The two related defects that are also included in”

 - DE546663: Delete key fix (

 - DE547726: Large API key update message fix (