32k bufferpool requirement for the Smart/RESTART Db2 checkpoint CKPT_SYNCH tablespace
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32k bufferpool requirement for the Smart/RESTART Db2 checkpoint CKPT_SYNCH tablespace


Article ID: 253338


Updated On:


Smart Restart Smart RRSAF


Within the Smart Jobstream 20.1 documentation section titled, Create the Db2 Tablespace Used by Smart/RESTART,
there is the following reference:

Buffer Pool  . . . BP32K

Has something changed with the Smart Jobstream 20.1 release that requires a 32k bufferpool?

The table definition is no different with CKPT_FOURK_DATABLK VARCHAR(3883)  filling out the 4k block in
hlq.DCAFILE(SRSDDL) when DDL is generated from the Smart Jobstream Series Administration Facility installation panels. 

Is there a requirement to move to 32k bufferpool or is a 4k bufferpool fine?


For Smart Jobstream series 20.1, a 4k bufferpool is fine for the CKPT_SYNCH tablespace as in prior Smart/RESTART releases.