Post upgrade to 4.2 Cu4. CA SOI WSO2 service not starting
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Post upgrade to 4.2 Cu4. CA SOI WSO2 service not starting


Article ID: 253311


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CA Service Operations Insight (SOI)


“CA SOI WSO2 Carbon” service will not start.

After upgrade to SOI 4.2 CU4, there is a new service added

CA SOI WSO2 Carbon

And it will not start


In the log: wso2registry_wrapper.log

ERROR  | wrapper  | 2022/10/21 14:40:21 | The value of property '', '-Dcarbon.config.dir.path=D:/Program Files (x86)/CA/SOI/wso2registry/repository/conf' contains unquoted spaces and will most likely result in an invalid java command line.

STATUS | wrapper  | 2022/10/21 14:40:21 | Launching a JVM...

ERROR  | wrapper  | 2022/10/21 14:40:21 | JVM exited while loading the application.

FATAL  | wrapper  | 2022/10/21 14:40:21 | There were 5 failed launches in a row, each lasting less than 300 seconds.  Giving up.

FATAL  | wrapper  | 2022/10/21 14:40:21 |   There may be a configuration problem: please check the logs.

STATUS | wrapper  | 2022/10/21 14:40:21 | <-- Wrapper Stopped


In the file: wso2registry.conf

We see the spaces in the path:

# Java Application Files (x86)/CA/SOI/jre-64/bin/java



Release : 4.2 CU4

Windows 2019 datacenter server

US version, not localized.

Installing application to d:\ drive


Windows 8.3 File Naming is not enabled on d:\ drive.

To check, open a cmd prompt as administrator and run

dir /x

Here is an example of a drive that has the 8.3 naming turned on:

c:\>dir /x

 Volume in drive C is Windows 10

 Volume Serial Number is EEBB-8E40

 Directory of c:\

10/24/2022  11:22 AM    <DIR>          INSTAL~1     installers

12/07/2019  09:14 AM    <DIR>                       PerfLogs

10/10/2022  04:17 PM    <DIR>          PROGRA~1     Program Files

10/10/2022  05:34 PM    <DIR>          PROGRA~2     Program Files (x86)

09/28/2022  03:04 PM    <DIR>                       Users

10/11/2022  08:04 PM    <DIR>                       Windows

               0 File(s)              0 bytes

               6 Dir(s)  57,910,394,880 bytes free


The carbon service configuration files uses the 8.3 naming to overcome the spaces in the path.

Because this is not enabled on d:\ drive, the service fails to start



Edited wso2registry.conf

d:\Program Files (x86)\CA\SOI\jsw\conf\wso2registry.conf

Added “” around all system paths under the section:

# Java Additional Parameters

And this section was replaced with:

# Log file to use for wrapper output logging.



This allowed the Carbon service to start successfully.


I have attached an original file and a fixed file to this techdoc.

Additional Information



1667393696877__wso2registry.conf.working get_app
1667393680471__wso2registry.conf.original get_app