Proxy policy is having Admin Authentication layer and Admin Access Layer setup.
When login to the SSH or CLI session, one of the user that is being allowed access "Read/Write" under the Admin Access Layer is being used. This is not the default admin account.
When try to access the "Enable" mode on SSH or CLI, the user failed to login.
The "Enable" password is the password that the user used to login to the SSH or CLI session.
For example, a Radius user is being used - "testuser2" to login and the password for this user is "RadiusPassword". The password for the default "Enable" is "DefaultEnablePassword".
So the "Enable" password supposed to be "RadiusPassword".
Below is an example on how the default "Enable" password should be used with the default admin account and not with the Radius user account.
The "Enable" password that is supposed to be used is the password from the user account that is being used to login to that SSH or CLI session and not the default "Enable" password.