Nested Realm vs Parallel Realm
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Nested Realm vs Parallel Realm


Article ID: 253270


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SITEMINDER CA Single Sign On Agents (SiteMinder) CA Single Sign On Secure Proxy Server (SiteMinder) CA Single Sign-On


This article is to explain the differences between Nested Realm and Parallel Realm.


Release : 12.8.0x


Nested Realm:

Please refer to the Documentation.

Nested realm is a realm created within a realm.

Create /realm1/ realm then under it create /realm2/.

1. Realm1 with effective Resource /realm1
2. Realm2 with effective Resource /realm2

In this use case, if a user wants to access the /realm1/realm2/* resource, the user must be authorized for /realm1 before it can be evaluated for /realm2.


Parallel Realm:

Parallel Realm is a way to bypass the nested realm policy evaluation.

1. Create a realm1 as /realm1
2. Create a realm2 as /realm1/realm2

In this use case, there is no dependency involved so if a user wants to access the /realm1/realm2/* resource, the user does not need to be authorized for /realm1.