Inline messages are not inspected/evaluated for CloudSOC Gatelets
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Inline messages are not inspected/evaluated for CloudSOC Gatelets


Article ID: 253245


Updated On:


CASB Gateway


CloudSOC Gatelets may inspect document uploads/downloads; however, messages entered/pasted via Chat or Post are not evaluated for content inspection.


This is currently a limitation that may be addressed on a per Gatelet basis.


• Feature Requests can be submitted on your behalf by contacting the Support Team.

• For existing Feature Requests, you can also request that the Support Team add your company to the list of requestors to help add priority.


Current Feature Requests:

App Status ETA
Slack Released -
MS Teams Released -
Yammer Feature Request approved End of 2023 and beyond
CISCO Webex Teams Feature Request approved End of 2023 and beyond
Servicenow Feature Request approved End of 2023 and beyond
Google Chat Released -