Users may encounter the following error when concatenating SYSVIEW.CNM4BREX to SYSEXEC DD:
IEC020I 001-1,X071989,IKJSYST,SYSEXEC,vol,volume,
SYSVIEW, all releases
The error message identifies a record format discrepancy between CNM4BREX and other members of the SYSEXEC DD concatenation. Using the default installation parameters. SYSVIEW will install CNM4BREX using these attributes:
Data Set Name . . . . : SYSVIEW.SMPE.CNM4BREX
General Data
Volume serial . . . : TSOVOL
Device type . . . . : 3390
Organization . . . : PO
Record format . . . : FB
Record length . . . : 80
Block size . . . . : 27920
1st extent cylinders: 5
Secondary cylinders : 1
Since the installed PDS specifies Fixed-Block (FB) record format, the error message would indicate other members of the SYSEXEC DD are defined using a Variable-Block (VB) format; requiring a conversion of CNM4BREX to a matching format.
Alternatively, a situation may require users to convert CNM4BREX back to Fixed-Block format. The resolution below covers both scenarios.
The provided resolution differs slightly, depending on the intended format outcome. In both cases, it's highly recommended that a copy of CNM4BREX be made prior to starting.
Customers converting CNM4BREX to a variable-block format can utilize the release-specific sample jobs below. It's recommended that the FB CNM4BREX file be retained and updated whenever changes are made to the VB file. This will greatly reduce assessment efforts should a need to revert ever become needed.
Customers converting an existing CNM4BREX Variable Block PDS back to a Fixed-Block format will need to perform a manual assessment and conversion effort. The outlined process is as follows:
The end result will be your site using two versions of CNM4BREX - one defined with FB while the other uses VB. Depending on the site, it might be required to maintain both the fixed-block and variable-Block dataset versions. In this event, it's advised to build new REXX members using the FB version of CNM4BREX. Users could then re-run sample SYSVIEW.CNM4BSAM(REXXFTOV) to reflect the added member changes to the variable-block dataset. This process could also be used to ensure both the FB and VB remain synchronized should a conversion back to fixed-block be necessary.