Details flyout not updated after using Timeline
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Details flyout not updated after using Timeline


Article ID: 253232


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


In Release 16.1.0, a new enhancement was introduced to persist or remember the last record the user highlighted in the Timeline, Board or Grid. After selecting a Project on the Timeline, then navigating to the Board or Grid with the Details fly-out opened, the users selects another project and the fly-out does not get refreshed with the newly selected project. It will retain whatever record was the last record selected when looking at the Timeline. 

Steps to Reproduce: 

  1. From the Projects Workspace, Timeline layout, select/highlight a Project and open the Details fly-out panel 
  2. Select/highlight a different project and see the Details are updated to reflect the change 
  3. Switch to the Grid layout
  4. Select/highlight a different project 

Expected Results: The Details fly-out panel should update when selecting a different project. 

Actual Results: The Details fly-out panel does not change. 

Workaround: Refresh the browser window. 


Release 16.1.0 




Under Engineering Review.