Disable Bluetooth File Transfer using Endpoint Protection
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Disable Bluetooth File Transfer using Endpoint Protection


Article ID: 253201


Updated On:


Endpoint Protection


There is a requirement to disable file transfer(Send/Receive) using Symantec Endpoint Protection(SEP) over Bluetooth keeping audio communication intact.


All Windows OS


  1. Connect to user system and launch DevViewer.
  2. Navigated to Bluetooth option and collect DeviceID for BluetoothDevice (RFCOMM Protocol TDI)

  3. Launch SEPM console > Policies > Policy Components > Hardware Devices > Add a Hardware Device
  4. Add Device Name and Device ID collected for BluetoothDevice
     Device Name : Bluetooth File Transfer
     Device ID : BTH\MS_RFCOMM\*
    Note : Device ID for all Windows system will remain same across platform i.e. "BTH\MS_RFCOMM\" hence adding '*' will work.
  5. Navigate to desired policy or Group > Application and Device Control > Edit policy
  6. Under Windows Settings > Device Control > Click Add under Blocked Device > Select "Bluetooth File Transfer" > OK > OK
  7. Update the Policy on client to apply the settings.