What are the recommended settings for "Maintenance: Job history output file cleanup time" and "Maintenance: Job history output file remove limit" ?
Client Automation 14.5 and above
On a Domain Manager, the directory <DSM PATH>\SD\ASM\LIBRARY\output is used to stored the job output files for every SD Job. Unless configuration policy settings for this are done correctly, these items may never be deleted and can build up to dangerous volumes.
After some months this directory could contain several thousand directories <uuid.app>.
This could take a lot of disk space and affect OS performance (Windows will take long time to create a new directory under the output directory if it contains several thousand directories or more).
By default the parameter (locally Managed) DSM/Software Delivery/Manager/Maintenance: Job history cleanup time is set to 4320 (=180 days)
Every day, some SD jobs older than 180 days are deleted. The associated job output directory under output is deleted too.
But some SD jobs (like installation job in status OK) are never deleted.
This means that associated job output directories are never deleted on DOMAIN.
If the job output files for SD jobs are not needed after 180 days, we could delete them automatically by setting this parameter in the configuration policy applied on the DSM DOMAIN :
DSM/Software Delivery/Manager/Maintenance: Job history output file cleanup time = 180
So every day, all SD Job output files older than 180 days will be deleted automatically.
When this parameter is set, the first execution of "History output file" cleanup job may have to delete a lot of directories (potentially 10s of thousands or more).
If you have more number of jobs in daily basis , its recommended to reduced the value from 180 .
Job History Output file remove Limit setting will be 0 by default . If you set this to some 100 or any other number , every cleanup interval will remove only 100 files in each run.