Usability Issue: Subproject Expand button should collapse after getting 'Not Authorized' Toast message
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Usability Issue: Subproject Expand button should collapse after getting 'Not Authorized' Toast message


Article ID: 253169


Updated On: 10-23-2023


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


If the project manager has access to their own project and it has a subproject for which he does not have permissions, using the 'expand' button will generate the Toast message as expected, however now that the expand button remains in this state, if the user navigates away and back they get the toast message again, but they may not know it is because of the state of the expand button. 

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log in as a Project Manager that has edit rights on the master project, but NO rights on the subproject (cannot view or edit) 
  2. Open the master project that has subprojects and go to the Tasks Module, Timeline layout 
  3. Expand the Task WBS row for the subproject - a Toast message appears indicating the user is not authorized 
  4. The Toast Message is expected, but the arrow remains expanded 
  5. Navigate away and return to this project's task timeline 

Expected Results: The user should not see the Toast message again. The arrow for the WBS level should not persist as expanded if the user does not have permissions to view the subproject. 

Actual Results: The Toast Message pops up again. Because the error is generic, the user may not realize it is caused by the arrow expanded on the subproject. 

This is the toast message that appears when you try to expand a subproject for which you don't have access.

API-1007 : You are not authorized to process request. Contact your system administrator for necessary security rights. 


This is the toast message that appears after you navigate away and return if the arrow is expanded and the user does not have access to the subproject

PRJ-07501: You must have Project - Edit Management rights to access this page. 


Workaround: Locate all the subprojects and ensure the expand/collapse arrow is collapsed. 



Release 16.1.0  



The persistence of the expand/collapse WBS levels on the Timeline was introduced in Release 16.1.0. 

In prior releases, this was not an issue because the WBS levels would collapse when the user returned to the page. 


Fixed in 16.1.1