This article was written to assist with an issue where DBA Jobs which generally take seconds to finish, start taking a minute or more for each Job to finish. This can drastically increase a batch run time from by 2 to 3 times.
While there can be multiple reasons why this behavior is seen, one of the causes can due to an increase delay in the file registration step within the Job run cycle.
Release : 9.3
The best way to determine this is to compare the output file for the same Job before and after the issue has occurred and review the timing between the output files.
Below is an example where the file registration increases from 1 second to over 70 seconds to do file registration and file registration related processing. Note that for the example, only a number of lines was parsed from the actual output files for ease of review, with client specific information removed:
Normal run
BODY starting at Mon 10/10/2022 20:49:21
DNAP.bat starting at Mon 10/10/2022 20:49:22
finish sql at 20:49:24 <--this is the end of the job process portion
Registering output files in AppWorx, and performing any special output handling <-- file registration and related processing starts here
Registering file G:\osi\RPTS\20221010\941081\MM_RACCR.LIS
Registering file G:\osi\RPTS\20221010\941081\MS_QRSLT.lis
end of DNAP 20221010204925 or 20:49:25 <--- end of DNAP means file registration is done by this point
end of C:\Automic\Master\exec\BODY2.BAT status 0 Mon 10/10/2022 20:49:25.90
Exit BODY3 20221010204929 or 20:49:29
Notice that between file registration step and end of DNAP is only 1 second.
Below is for the same Job but file registration takes much longer.
Long run:
BODY starting at Wed 10/19/2022 20:53:18
DNAP.bat starting at Wed 10/19/2022 20:53:19
Finishes sql at 20:53:21 <--this is the end of the job process portion
Registering output files in AppWorx, and performing any special output handling: <-- file registration and related processing starts here
Registering file G:\osi\RPTS\20221019\944894\MM_RACCR.LIS
Registering file G:\osi\RPTS\20221019\944894\MS_QRSLT.lis
end of DNAP. 20221019205433 or 20:54:33 <--- end of DNAP means file registration is done by this point
end of C:\Automic\Master\exec\BODY2.BAT status 0 Wed 10/19/2022 20:54:33
Exit BODY3 20221019205437 or 20:54:37
Notice that the file registration related processing increased to 71 seconds.
This increase the file registration process is generally related to the the ouput location or G: drive in this case.
Many DNA environments have the G: drive as a shared network mount so further review into why this mount is behaving slow should assist with resolving the issue.