Project Copy: RIC To Dos Completed flag was not copied as checked (reset)
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Project Copy: RIC To Dos Completed flag was not copied as checked (reset)


Article ID: 253147


Updated On: 10-20-2023


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


When the RICs To Do records are copied over, the Completed flag is unchecked. If the same steps are repeated for To Dos on Tasks, the Completed flag is checked. 

NOTE: Creating a project 'New From Template' is designed to 'reset' the To Do Completed flag. 

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Within a Project - Create a To Do on a Risk, Issue and Change Request (RICs) and mark the To Do Completed 
  2. Check the list of To Dos from the To Dos Module (easier to see all 3 records at once)  
  3. Create some To Dos on Tasks and mark some of the To Do Completed flag 
  4. Copy the Project and check the list of To Dos, looking at the Completed flag for Tasks, Risks, Issues and Changes 

Actual Results: Looking at the new, copied project, the Completed flag is unchecked for RIC To Dos that were marked completed on the source project and the Completed flag is checked for Task To Dos. 


Reviewed as DE67224 


Working as Designed