Warning messages for some Nexus repositories
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Warning messages for some Nexus repositories


Article ID: 253140


Updated On:


CA Release Automation - Release Operations Center (Nolio) CA Release Automation - DataManagement Server (Nolio) CA Release Automation Connector


Following warnings appear in the logs :

INFO: Deploying web application directory /opt/CA/ReleaseAutomationServer/webapps/execution
2022-10-05 11:11:52,791+0200 WARN  [ar-4-thread-3] *TASK org.sonatype.nexus.proxy.maven.routing.internal.RemoteContentDiscovererImpl - Remote strategy prefix-file error on M2Repository(id=codehaus-snapshots): java.net.UnknownHostException: nexus.codehaus.org: Name or service not known
2022-10-05 11:12:13,517+0200 WARN  [ar-4-thread-2] *TASK org.sonatype.nexus.proxy.maven.routing.internal.RemoteContentDiscovererImpl - Remote strategy prefix-file error on M2Repository(id=central): org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException: Connect to repo1.maven.org:443 [repo1.maven.org/] failed: connect timed out
2022-10-05 11:12:13,518+0200 WARN  [ar-4-thread-4] *TASK org.sonatype.nexus.proxy.maven.routing.internal.RemoteContentDiscovererImpl - Remote strategy prefix-file error on M2Repository(id=apache-snapshots): org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connect to repository.apache.org:443 [repository.apache.org/, repository.apache.org/2a01:4f8:171:1513:0:0:0:2] failed: Network is unreachable (connect failed)

What these repositories are used for?


Release Automation 6.6, 6.7


Following repository are Nexus repositories located on remote storage (used internally by Release Automation for artifact repositories)

codehaus-snapshots  - https://nexus.codehaus.org/snapshots/
Central             - https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/
Apache Snapshots    - https://repository.apache.org/snapshots/


codehaus.org has been effectively shut down as an artifact repository since May 2015. It could be removed from Nexus configuration file.

Using following url the configured Nexus repositories could be seen with their contents 





It is possible to remove codehaus-snapshots from nexus.xml
1- Edit the file 
2- Remove the repository section for codehaus-snapshots
3- Restart Nolio service