we did an upgrade from to 22.2.3 and now the report manager does not work anymore.
catalina.out errors
Oct 24, 2022 10:42:57.999 (SRM/Startup/Container) (ReportManager) - (ERROR) -
Error occurred while logging custom configuration changes
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Operation not allowed for a result set of type ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY.
at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.exceptions.SQLError.createSQLException(SQLError.java:129)
at com.aprisma.spectrum.app.repmgr.dc.db.ReportManagerInitializer.init(ReportManagerInitializer.java:102) ~[rpmgr.jar:?]
Oct 24, 2022 10:42:58 AM (SRM/Startup/Container) (com.aprisma.spectrum.app.repmgr.web.servlet.SRMBootstrapServlet) -
(ERROR) - Error occurred while initializing SRM components
com.aprisma.spectrum.app.repmgr.exceptions.SRMException: Error occurred while logging custom configuration changes
at com.aprisma.spectrum.app.repmgr.dc.db.ReportManagerInitializer.logConfigurationChanges(ReportManagerInitializer.java:169) ~[rpmgr.jar:?]
Release : 22.2.x
Due to custom files under %SPECROOT%/custom/repmgr/config files
Under $SPECROOT/custom/repmgr/config move the files to tmp or any other folder
Restart tomcat and check. If no changes, it has been reported by some customers that after reboot the server the SRM came up.
If upgrade failed then re-run the upgrade after moving the files from custom/repmgr/config