During the Vantage 14.1 start, in the log the following messages could be present :
STMON Resource RaidBLD of type Collector is now in Warning state
STMON Resource RaidTS of type Collector is now in Warning state
STMON Resource RaidPAV of type Collector is now in Warning state
STMON Resource RaidPPRC of type Collector is now in Warning state
What is the reason of these initial messages, as during the Vantage execution, the Status of these resources is set to OK
Release : All
Below the STMON object explanation that can be found in the Vantage Client :
The Internal Status Monitor gathers state information from different CA Vantage resources and maintains a viewable object that keeps track of all monitored resources and their states. Actions and Commands may be issued from this object to start or stop some of the resource types. For dynamic resources, such as all the different script types, the Zoom function should be used to access the Actions and Commands specific to those resources.
The Internal Status Monitor initializes early during startup, earlier than the resources it is going to monitor, and it continues to run until CA Vantage is shut down.
At all times each monitored resource will have a state of OK, Warning, or Failed. Within these common states, resources will have their own sub-states displayed in the Substate field.
During CA Vantage startup, the previous state for each non-script resource will be its last checkpointed state....
Alert messages are issued to the console when resource states change. You can monitor for the following messages.
VAN1545I STMON Resource rrr of type ttt is now in sss state, previous state was ppp
VAN1546E STMON Resource rrr of type ttt set to Failed state, reason = error-text
VAN1548I STMON Resource rrr of type ttt set to Warning state, reason = warning-text
Current St
Current State of the resource.
Possible values are: Ok Warning Failed
Ok indicates that the resource behaves well.
Warning indicates that the resource still seems to behave well, but may need an intervention. The Warning state may be repaired all by itself. For example, an expected collect time may be exceeded and cause the state to be set to Warning. But once the collection finishes, the state will be set to Ok.
Collector Substates in Ok and Warning states:
Idle - Not interval driven, waiting for a command
Based on the above details, it seems that, when Vantage starts, it sets the above RAIDxxx resources in Warning state just because the collection is not yet started/completed.
Later, during normal activity, all the correct scripts run and the collection is correctly managed, so the Resource will be set to OK state.