Run a one off discovery of a single IP without waiting and using available credentials via callback
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Run a one off discovery of a single IP without waiting and using available credentials via callback


Article ID: 253089


Updated On:


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


After adding a new source to a discovery_agent, that has many agents in it already, how to run an immediate discovery now, without waiting for the next scheduled run. 


Release : 20.4.x/24.x


-First determine the network_id for the scope that you want to discover

select network_id, network from CM_DISCOVERY_NETWORK where network like '%<yourIP>%'

-CTRL+P on the discovery_server probe
-select discover_now from the commandset
-enter the full path to the discovery_agent (/test_domain/test_hub/test/discovery_agent)
-enter the network_id that was gathered in the query above
-click on the green triangle to execute