Post Jaspersoft 7.8 upgrade the Application Management Assessment Analysis report fails to render with "uncaught javascript error"
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Post Jaspersoft 7.8 upgrade the Application Management Assessment Analysis report fails to render with "uncaught javascript error"


Article ID: 253064


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Clarity PPM On Premise


Post Jaspersoft 7.8 upgrade the Application Management Assessment Analysis report fails to render in Advanced Reporting with "uncaught javascript error".

This report content gets installed along with the Clarity APM Add-In.

Report Properties
Name: Application Assessment Analysis
Resource ID: APM_APP_AssessmentAnalysis
Description: Application Management (APM)
Folder: CA PPM/Reports/Application Management/Application Assessment Analysis
Path: /ca_ppm/reports/application_management/APM_APP_AssessmentAnalysis
Data Source: CA PPM Data Warehouse Bean Data Source


Release : 16.0.1


After Jaspersoft 7.8 upgrade an error is present, ElementNotVisibleException: element not interactable / JavaScript Uncaught Exception error.