Datacom/AD 15.0 not showing in SCRT Report or latest CARS level
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Datacom/AD 15.0 not showing in SCRT Report or latest CARS level


Article ID: 253051


Updated On: 10-27-2022




When we were running Datacom/AD  R15.0,  this product did not show up in the CA SCRT reports that we do monthly. This also appear to not show up on the latest CARS release of maintenance currently CARS2209
As we upgraded each LPAR to R15.1 during this past summer, a line item started showing up in the SCRT report, showing usage on that LPAR for Datacom/AD R15.1.

Was there a change between  Datacom R15.0 and R15.1 to where Datacom now shows up in the SCRT reports and CARS Maintenance?


Release : 15.1


No change has been done. The only difference is that Datacom/AD 15.1 received the PTF that allowed the use of SCRT Reporting. Datacom/AD 15.0 went EOS on AUG,31 2022.
So any new PTFs, enhancements and CARS maintenance level CARS22nn and above are not being delivered to Datacom/AD 15.0 due to the product being end of support.

Please upgrade to the latest GA release of Datacom/AD 15.1 to receive the latest PTFs for new features and enhancements while also improving performance and stability

Additional Information

Follow links for the Datacom AD 15.1 Documentation and READme