The following RiskFabric Processing job steps of type Operating System (CmdExec) are failing:
The following error is logged by the SQL Server Agent for each job step:
Executed as user: <domain>\<account>. The process could not be created for step n of job <guid> (reason: A required privilege is not held by the client). The step failed.
Release : 6.x
Component : Microsoft SQL Server
The SQL Server Agent Service account is missing required privileges to perform impersonation. Per Microsoft, "the Windows Service Control Manager cannot grant the required permissions to run agent jobs to the <account> domain account" and "[t]his error message is not typically caused by the proxy account itself, but rather by the SQL Server Agent service account trying to impersonate the proxy account."
To resolve this issue, determine why the Microsoft Service Control Manager cannot grant impersonation privileges to the SQL Server Agent service account. This may be enforced by a local security policy or GPO.
As a workaround, change job steps 22, 23, 25, 26, and 27 to run as the SQL Server Agent service account, rather than as the RiskFabric Nightly Processing proxy, by following this procedure: