AppNeta - How to enable Advanced Diagnostics AddOn Role for users
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AppNeta - How to enable Advanced Diagnostics AddOn Role for users


Article ID: 253007


Updated On: 10-24-2023




 Advanced Diagnostics is an AddOn Role to show Diagnostic Test results which are considered in-consistent with the end-to-end path.


Intermediary Hops may provide unexpected/inaccurate results when they are directly targeted in a Diagnostic Test.  They may drop traffic unexpectedly or show values which are significantly higher that the overall path.  This is due to these intermediary devices prioritizing functionality of there primary function such as routing and switching resulting in inconsistent end-to-end behaviour.


For any hop, a diagnostic test might return measurements that have low certainty or measurements that are 'inconsistent with end-to-end network performance'. In this case, AppNeta presents a simplified report where the hop is marked as 'Indeterminate' and the unqualified data are suppressed. Advanced diagnostics can be used to reveal this suppressed data and help in determining the cause of network issues, especially in the case of packet loss.  As an example this can be see when a intermediary hop is showing 90% data loss but the overall path is not showing any data loss, in this scenario the specific intermediary hop is classified as inconsistent and the data is suppressed behind Advanced Diagnostics.

Submit a support case if you wish to have this AddOn Role initially added to your Organization within AppNeta SaaS/On-Prem.

In order to enable Advanced Diagnostics in the organization at least one user with Organization Admin must be assigned the AddOn Role Advanced Diagnostics, the Organization Admin can then assign the AddOn Role freely to any other user in that organization.

1. In the desired Organization in AppNeta, go to Manage Users:


2. In the Configure User page ensure that the Advanced Diagnostics checkbox is checked and click on Update at the bottom of the page:


The user will now see the Advanced Mode button when viewing the Data or Voice details of a Diagnostic Test, note they will need to refresh any web browser tabs with diagnostic tests that were already open.

Once the AddOn Role has been added to at least one Organization Admin within the Organization, that Org Admin can add this AddOn Role to any other user within the Organization.

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