Using % in a RESTful query Where Query String LIKE clause is not working. For example:
GET /opsmvs/web/tables/STCTBL/NAME?where="NAME LIKE 'XB%'" returns 404 Not Found with no "AppInfo" data.
% was "percent-encoded" as %25.
Additional symptom can be seen in the webSvcListener.log:
ERROR Oct 26 2022 at 08:11:26 PM | Line:832 | Thread:41
Error processing:java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: URLDecoder: Illegal hex characters in escape (%) pattern - For input string: "'&"
Release : 14.0
Repeat the '25' after the percent sign. For example:
Notice the %2525 in the where clause.
The string is decode from %2525 to %25 first and then decoded to '%' alone.