DBFIND Syntax checking inconsistent - Invalid control card errors for valid statements
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DBFIND Syntax checking inconsistent - Invalid control card errors for valid statements


Article ID: 252938


Updated On:




The DBFIND utility (SARSAM9) produces syntax errors for statements that should be accepted.

For example:

Control Card: /FIND ID=BCO*          VALUE='SYS3.OPS140.XXXX.ARCHIVE'             
Sysout Id                          Gen   Seq Job Name Job Numb Arc Date Time  Prt 
==============                   ===== ===== ======== ======== ======== ===== ====
Invalid control card: /FIND ID=BCO*          VALUE='SYS3.OPS140.XXXX.ARCHIVE'    

If we move the "VALUE" keyword 1 position to the right the syntax error doesn't occur:

Control Card: /FIND ID=BCO*           VALUE='SYS3.OPS140.XXXX.ARCHIVE'                
Sysout Id                          Gen   Seq Job Name Job Numb Arc Date Time  Prt Date
==============                   ===== ===== ======== ======== ======== ===== ========
No matching reports/strings: /FIND ID=BCO*           VALUE='SYS3.OPS140.XXXX.ARCHIVE'

Several other situations cause syntax errors when using this utility.



Release : 14.0


There is an error in the sample SARSAM9 code (library CVDEOPTN):

MAIN0056 EQU   *
         CLM   R15,B'0001',0(R1)       END OF REPORT ID?            @05
         BNE   MAIN0057                NO                           @05
       CLM   R15,B'0001',C' '       NON QUOTED STRING?           @05

It is missing an equal sign in the 4th line of this group:

MAIN0056 EQU   *
         CLM   R15,B'0001',0(R1)       END OF REPORT ID?            @05
         BNE   MAIN0057                NO                           @05
         CLM   R15,B'0001',=C' '       NON QUOTED STRING?           @05 

Recompile DBFIND after having updated the code.