When running DX NetOps Spectrum users may see the following error message when trying to launch the OneClick WebApp:
SPC-OCC-10251: Could not connect to Web server at http(s)://<HOSTNAME>:<PORT>
When reviewing the <SPECROOT>/webtomcat/bin/logs/webswing.log file, you may see the following error:
2024-01-12 13:17:19,952 ERROR [Webswing Process Handler] (SwingProcessImpl.java:218) [oneclickwebapp_anonym_
2024-01-12 13:17:19,952 ERROR [Webswing Process Handler] (SwingProcessImpl.java:218) [oneclickwebapp_anonym_
2024-01-12 13:17:19,952 ERROR [Webswing Process Handler] (SwingProcessImpl.java:218) [oneclickwebapp_anonym_
2024-01-12 13:17:19,952 ERROR [Webswing Process Handler] (SwingProcessImpl.java:218) [oneclickwebapp_anonym_
An alternative error that may appear in the webtomcat webswing.log:
2024-12-17 17:49:29,751 INFO [Webswing Process Handler] (SwingProcessImpl.java:233) [oneclickwebapp_anonym_bbbd7f84d6_1734475768242] ERROR: Failed to connect websocket to server [wss://<OC_Host>:9443/spectrum/oneclickwebapp/async/app-bin]! -> Connection failed. |
2024-12-17 17:49:29,752 INFO [Webswing Process Handler] (SwingProcessImpl.java:233) [oneclickwebapp_anonym_bbbd7f84d6_1734475768242] ERROR: Exiting application because it could not connect to server -> jakarta.websocket.DeploymentException: Connection failed.
2024-12-17 17:49:29,753 INFO [Webswing Process Handler] (SwingProcessImpl.java:233) [oneclickwebapp_anonym_bbbd7f84d6_1734475768242] Caused by: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
All supported DX NetOps Spectrum releases
Misconfigured vmArgs entry in the $SPECROOT/webtomcat/webswing/webswing.config file.
Important that if the keystore password is a complex password with special characters, the password DOES NOT need to be escaped with double or single quotes.