axagateway.uimQos queue is yellow and filling up disk space
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axagateway.uimQos queue is yellow and filling up disk space


Article ID: 252875


Updated On:


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management On-Premise (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


We received an alert for:

  • low disk space on the primary hub and/or
  • queue "axagateway.uimQos" or "axagateway.alarms" is XXX MB and/or
  • axagateway.uimQos or axagateway.alarms queues on the primary hub are yellow and not processing messages



  • Release: 20.4


  1. Deactivate oi_connector
  2. Go to the IM console > hub > configure > Status tab > right-click on each of these queues and select 'Empty'
  3. Click the refresh button and verify that they empty out and show 0 queued
  4. Activate oi_connector
  5. Click the refresh button a couple of times in the hub GUI/Status tab and the queues should turn green when oi_connector starts up