Staffing Page - Role record continues to get displayed after Role Replacement
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Staffing Page - Role record continues to get displayed after Role Replacement


Article ID: 252826


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Steps to reproduce this issue are as follows.

  1. Navigate to Modern UX. Create a new Project. Allocate 2 roles against it
  2. Navigate to Staffing page. Filter for the project created above in the "Allocations Timeline" tab, "Allocations By Investment" section
  3. Right click on one of the roles, open Details flyout. Display "Resource" field. Choose a named resource against the Resource field

Expected Results: The role record in the Allocations Timeline is automatically removed, after the named resource record gets added

Actual Results: The role record continues to get displayed till a hard refresh of the Timeline is performed.


Version: 16.0.3




  • This behaviour is not observable in version 16.1.0
  • In addition, fixed in 16.1.1 and 16.0.3 Patch 2.