In the MUX, Scroll bars in the Tasks Board View return to the top after updating a Task
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In the MUX, Scroll bars in the Tasks Board View return to the top after updating a Task


Article ID: 252795


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS


In the Task Board view, scrolling down the list of tasks, selecting a task and updating it, when the change is committed, the entire tasks list refreshes and the scroll bar/task list returns to the top. Possible regression as this did not occur prior to 16.0.3 and previously the change would commit to the task with no refresh and the scroll bar would remain in the current position.


  1. Navigate to a project in the Modern UX
  2. Click on Tasks and change to the Board View
  3. Ensure there is a list of tasks long enough that the scroll bar appears
  4. Scroll down to a task at the bottom of the list
  5. Open the Details flyout and make any change to the task
  6. Close the Details Flyout
  7. Observe that the task has been updated

Expected Results: The Task list would stay where the user is scrolled to after updating the task

Actual Results : The entire task list is refreshed and the user is automatically navigated back to the top of the list

Workaround: none


Release : 16.0.3, 16.1.0


defect ID DE67186


This issue is not being fixed as current board is being deprecated and will be replaced with a new board. This feature will replace all top level boards in 23Q1