CloudSOC SpanVA is in a Degraded State
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CloudSOC SpanVA is in a Degraded State


Article ID: 252781


Updated On:


CASB Audit CASB Security Advanced CASB Security Premium CASB Security Standard


Client's SpanVA is in "Degraded" State.

It may be that the customer notices this "Degraded" State themselves or Audit Engineering may have run a SpanVA health check and CASB Support would notify the customer. 



There are multiple possible causes for a "Degraded" State


Here are a few possible common causes for SpanVA degraded state. This list is not all inclusive. Please coordinate with CASB Support if the following does not help resolve this issue.

1. SpanVA to CloudSOC log upload failures due to corporate Network/FW restrictions not allowing required connectivity to GCP URL:

SpanVA Network Requirements 

2. SpanVA resources (CPU/Mem/Disk) may be insufficient for amount of logs being fed from multiple data sources. (over utilized example)

View SpanVA Operational Statistics 

3. Issue with format of logs from one or more data sources:

Audit Data sources