The du_upgrade_toolkit 6.10.21 is being used on the nodes to export/import the objects in XML.
Since the UVMS was upgraded to 6.10.101, the binaries, like uniexp, uniimp, uniupgrade don't work anymore, the error on the output of the command is similar to the following one:
The java command used will be /cadnat/universe/com/du_upgrade_toolkit/bin/../bin/jre/orsyp_jre/jre/bin/java
13 oct. 2022 15:46:56 com.orsyp.kmeleon.persistence.UniCentralNetworkConfigurationPersistence ???
GRAVE: get all nodes issue
at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy0.getAllNodes(Unknown Source)
at com.orsyp.kmeleon.persistence.UniCentralNetworkConfigurationPersistence.getNodeListFromServer(
at com.orsyp.kmeleon.persistence.UniCentralNetworkConfigurationPersistence.loadNodes(
at com.orsyp.kmeleon.persistence.UniCentralNetworkConfigurationPersistence.load(
at com.orsyp.ExportImportCommon.getNodeProduct(
at com.orsyp.ExportImportCommon.executeAfterAuth(
at com.orsyp.ExportCmd.executeAfterAuth(
at com.orsyp.central.AbstractCommonCommand.execute(
at com.orsyp.ExportCmd.main(
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.hibernate.collection.internal.PersistentSet
Release : 6.10.21 or inferior
Component: du_upgrade_toolkit
Due to the changes in the UVMS 6.10.101 / 7.0.01 and superior, the du_upgrade_toolkit 6.10.21 and inferior can no longer connect to UVMS.
Use instead the binaries uniexp/uniimp that are available in UVMS 6.10.101 and superior or 7.0.01 and superior.
A new kit called devops_kit will be delivered in version 7.01.01 of the UVMS (folder to add back this commands uniexp/uniimp/unidpl without need to do it from the UVMS server itself.
This is expected to be available by November 2024.