Roadmaps cannot be shared when using a language other than English
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Roadmaps cannot be shared when using a language other than English


Article ID: 252772


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Steps to reproduce this issue are as follows.

  1. Navigate to Home -> Account Settings. Change language to German or Spanish
  2. Navigate to Modern UX -> Roadmaps. Open an existing Roadmap or create a new one
  3. Navigate inside the Roadmap -> Properties tab
  4. Use the "Share" option available at the top right corner of the roadmap
  5. Choose a resource to share the roadmap with 

Expected Results: The Roadmap can be shared while using a language other than English.

Actual Results: The Roadmap cannot be shared. An Error Toast Message is obtained as follows (when the language is set to German):

CMN-0009: Der Suchwert 'C_VIEWER' für das Attribut 'Teilnehmerrolle' ist ungültig

The following errors can be noticed in the app-ca.log:

ERROR 1776-07-04 07:21:13,837 [http-nio-8080-exec-6] rest.validation (clarity:admin:D8A6C8D2-425B-A3EE-E82C0326AA5B:PPM_REST_API) ODFResourceProvider :: Could not create resource. Object code alias: [ requestUrl: http://someServer:8080/ppm/rest/v1/private/participants , _restResourceName : participants , _id : null , _parentInfo : null , _apiVersion : v1 , _includeLinksArray : true , _contextId : -1 , _hierarchyId : -1 , _isGroupBy : false , _isPartition : false]
ERROR 1776-07-04 07:21:13,838 [http-nio-8080-exec-6] rest.validation (clarity:admin:D8A6C8D2-425B-A3EE-E82C0326AA5B:PPM_REST_API) ExceptionInfo ::  Could not create resource. Resource name: participants. Error code: validation.lookupValueInvalid Error message: CMN-0009: Der Suchwert 'C_VIEWER' für das Attribut 'Teilnehmerrolle' ist ungültig


Version: 16.0.3




DE67183 has been resolved in 16.1.1