Office 365 document exposures policy fails to generate alerts
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Office 365 document exposures policy fails to generate alerts


Article ID: 252706


Updated On:


CASB Securlet SAAS CASB Security Advanced CASB Security Standard


Office365 Securlet fails to generate alerts for Policies relating to document exposures. Other attributes such as recipient or sender can be specified; however, the underlying issue pertains to Exposure type. 



• By default for Office 365, policy alerts are generated only in case of violation detection.
• Customers can have a data exposure CASB policy without any violation rule selected.
• Currently alerts are missing for such non-risk policies.



• The 'Post Eval Param' feature is not currently enabled for all tenants by default; however, a request can be submitted by Support on your behalf.

• Engineering's answer to why the feature isn't enabled for all tenants by default is that a planned rollout is being considered. This is to help mitigate the potential impact/slowdown of related services in the CloudSOC operating environment.